
Friday, December 19, 2014

The Maze Runner

Image courtesy of IMDb
As I was starting to write this post a clever title did not pop into my mind. So, I apologize for the bland header because I know it doesn't do the movie justice. Also, before I begin I'm sorry this post is a week late but at least I'm writing it now, right?

Finally I am writing a review on the movie I have been dying to see since I started the book in early May of this year... The Maze Runner. I actually did see the film the weekend it premiered, and multiple times since, so you could say I've been procrastinating... but that's just who I am, no judgment please. Anyway after watching the movie 5 or 6 times I have decided it deserves a rating of 1.5 out of 10 because of several reasons.

The movie was almost perfect except for the fact that they skipped one major event that occurred in the novel (warning read no further if you don't want a spoiler). In the book there are several attacks by the grievers once the gates stopped closing to the maze. For several weeks the grievers took one glader every evening. I felt like this was a very important moment in the novel that needed to be included in the film. But, I also understand why they did not incorporate this event in the movie because they may have wanted to use less time on that particular incident.

Another reason I really enjoyed this movie is pretty obvious, two words, DYLAN O'BRIEN.
Look at him, just look
Image courtesy of Dylan's Twitter

I personally thought that he made the movie great not only because he played the main character; he's also an amazing actor that deserves to have a very successful career. I first discovered Dylan on Teen Wolf where he plays a quirky teenage friend of a werewolf named Stiles. Anyway enough on Dylan O'Brien if you want to check him out you can at this link.

Anyway, I loved the character development in this movie. It was quite enjoyable how they revealed more in depth information about the characters as the film advanced. I also really enjoy the overall idea of the movie and book. It's quite fascinating how basic survival skills still entered the boy's minds even after their memories were wiped. It makes you wonder if that would really happen in real life, hmmm??

I hope you guys enjoyed this review, and I will post one more times before Christmas. Have a nice weekend! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I'm back (for the second time)...

All of you have heard this many times before, but I'm finally back and ready to post regularly on this blog. Right as I thought my life had become normal again; it took a complete 180 on me and messed everything up. I know hardly any people read this blog at all (I actually don't know if anyone does) but this blog makes me happy so I'm going to keep posting. You can expect a post every Friday on a majority of topics depending on the mood I'm in. This Friday, December 12, will be a normal, average review. But, after that I hope to indulge in some new material not yet covered.
Below will be a picture of the up coming movie that will be reviewed:

Image Courtesy of Premiere 
Leave a comment below if you've heard of the movie; I hope most of you have! Talk to you soon!! :)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A New Beginning

This post is going to be short and sweet! I apologize for my lack of posting, but this summer has been crazy!! I just wanted to let you guys know that I will still be posting to this blog every week on Friday evenings. But, these new posts will not be limited to reviews on movies. I will be talking about all things entertainment! So, starting in a month or two expect a new blog post about my somewhat recent trip to New York City!! WOOHOO!!!!!

Talk to you guys soon :) ..... Now enjoy a fun quote about new beginnings! ;)

image courtesy of pinkchocolatebreak

Friday, May 16, 2014

May and April Favorites

For this post I thought it would be fun to talk about a few of my favorite pieces of entertainment for the month so far. I will talk about television shows and movies. I hope you enjoy!!

1. Once Upon A Time
This is a television show on ABC about fairy tale characters. The characters have a curse put on them that erased their memories; they live in a town called Storybook. This is a very interesting show because these classic characters are very different from the original characters. Especially their personalities and back stories. I love watching the show because each episode has scenes of Story brook and scenes of the fairytale world.
Image courtesy of Spoiler TV

2. Marvel
I also loved watching Marvel movies this month. Marvel is a company that made comic books in the early twentieth century. Towards the end of the twentieth century Marvel started to make the comic books into movies. My friends have been talking about these movies since the 5th grade. I never thought the movies were worth my time. But, after watching Iron Man with my family, I realized how amazing these movies are!! I loved how each plot line is interesting and unique. They are awesome movies!!
Image courtesy of Screen Rant

3. The Blade Runner
The Blade Runner takes place in the future when humans are starting to live off the planet. People have engineered robots to explore different planets in the galaxy.  The robots developed human like emotions, and they started to rebel against the human race. Blade Runners, special policemen, hunt and destroy the robots. This movie is different from any other movie I've seen. There was an immense amount of symbolism in each scene. Every movement and object implied ideas about the concept of the movie. Some people consider it the best science fiction movie ever made.
Image courtesy of Wikepedia
These are a few of my favorite pieces of entertainment for the months of April and May. I hope you enjoyed this post! Talk to you later! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2

WARNING: Information about the movie is revealed. So, please read with caution!

Very recently I wrote about the first Amazing Spiderman. I saw the first film only a few months before the second one. I saw the second one, The Amazing Spiderman 2, on Saturday, the day after it premiered; it was 10 times better than the first. So, I am giving it a rating of 1.5 out of ten.

This movie was more intelligently thought out than the first film. It had the right amont of screen time for each villain, and the plot line was very creative and intriguing. I've been reading comments on Youtube, and some people say that the movie was to complex and confusing. It was a little confusing in parts, but I disagree; overall it was well thought out. There was a great balance of humor, action, and romance. I loved the relationship between Gwen and Peter because it was realistic. Some relationships in movies move too quickly. But, in The Amazing Spiderman 2, Gwen and Peter take most of the film to figure their relationship out.

I also enjoyed how the movie followed the plot of the comic books. The writers followed the comic books very accurately. The ending of the movie, Gwen's death, is one of the biggest moments in comic book history. Before Gwen's death no major character had ever died in a comic book. So, I'm very happy that they included this event in the film. It was horrible and very emotional, but it was very necessary to include in the movie. Peter develops a knew love with a character named Mary Jane after Gwen's death. This is who most people refer to as Spiderman's girlfriend. But, Gwen will be missed dearly!! ;(
Image courtesy of Wikipedia 
Overall this movie was amazing!!! I hope you have a chance to see it in theaters soon. Talk to you next week! :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Maze Runner

Ever since I was in 1st grade I have struggled with reading. Most books to me are very boring, and I can never seem to find the right one although I've only read 20 books so far, so my experience is limited. I don't know what it is about books; I just never want to read. Very recently I had a sleepover with one of my friends who is completely infatuated with books. She is constantly questioning why I don't read, and I have the same answer each time, "I don't know".

But, recently, during my Spring break, I downloaded a book on my Kindle and started reading. The book was The Maze Runner. At first I questioned why I was "wasting" my time reading; I soon realized it was because of boredom. I started reading this book just in the mornings, but I soon couldn't set the book down. I realized how amazing reading was. The Maze Runner is about a young boy, Thomas, who is put into a group of boys without his memory. He and the other boys have no memory other than their names. This book is different from any other book I've read. It's fascinating when you are reading because the main character does not remember anything including smells, feelings, people, places, etc. So, throughout the novel you're on a fascinating journey with Thomas as he experiences new things.

You are probably wondering why I'm talking about a book since this blog is about entertainment. I thought it would be fun this week to write about a form of entertainment that involves some "real" thinking. I also wrote about it because there is a movie coming out in September that is based on the novel. I've watched the trailer, and the movie looks accurate to the book and very entertaining. The movie also has one of my favorite actors, Dylan O'Brien!!!!!!!!  It comes out September 19th, and I'm counting down the days.
Image courtesy of Inside Media Track

I hope you enjoyed this even though it was a bit different. Talk to you next week! :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Meeting With A Professional Actress

This is not the normal post you see on this blog. I usually do reviews on movies (actually that's all I really do). But, today I am writing about my experience meeting with a professional actress. I hope you enjoy this post.

I can not begin to describe how amazing this experience was, but I'm going to try. I met with a professional actress this weekend, and she helped me with my monologue for drama class. At first I was terrified to meet with her because I thought I would waste her time. My nerves slowly started to go away; I realized she was there to help me, not to criticize me.

The first thing we did was discuss my character's personality and what she was trying to accomplish in the monologue. I thought this was a useful method to get into the mind set of the character. I will be using this method whenever I prepare a scene for drama. Next, we read the monologue aloud standing up. But, we realized that my monologue took place on a roller coaster, so I then read the monologue sitting down.

I have always struggled with stage fright when I perform. So, I asked her if she is ever nervous on stage. She also has stage fright when she performs, but she has methods to reduce her anxiety.  She reduces her "nerves" by saying to herself, " I am not Anne Decker. I don't know who that is. I am "whatever character" I am trying to portray." She thinks about how that character would not be nervous on stage. This helped me immensely with reducing my stage fright. It soon became easier to perform, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders when I would perform.

We then worked on one paragraph at a time adding different emotions. She gave me great tips that helped me see what the monologue was really about. By the end of our hour and a half together, my monologue was finished. This meeting was amazing, and I hope to work with her again soon.

Anne Decker, the actress I met, is going to be in a play coming up soon. It's called A loss of Appetite. Please go check it out; she's an amazing actress. Hopefully you enjoyed this post talk to you next week! :)
Image courtesy of The Salt Lake Tribune

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman

The Amazing Spiderman 2 premiers, in theaters, on May 2nd. So, I thought it would be a good time to do a review on the first movie, The Amazing Spiderman. I am giving this movie a rating of 2 out of 10 because of the reasons below.

The Amazing Spiderman is about a boy, Peter Parker, who is abandoned by his parents at a young age. After he is abandoned he lives with his Aunt and Uncle. One day Peter finds an old box full of his fathers scientific notes. The notes lead him to a large research center in the city; he heads there one day after school. He is looking for Doctor Connors who was mentioned in the notes. When he has no luck finding the Doctor he starts to look around the building. He comes across a dark room full of hundreds of spiders. He accidentally hits a lever that releases the spiders from their webs. The spiders fall onto his hair and clothing, so he leaves the room. Once he has left the room one spider, that he did not notice, is still on his clothing. This spider bites him giving him supernatural abilities. He uses these abilities to fight crime.

I'll start with what I liked about the movie. I thought Peter's challenges that he faced, when trying to control his new abilities, added depth to the movie. It made the character much more relatable. He felt relatable because I go through challenges on a daily basis. My challenges are not quite to the extreme that Peters are, but they are still challenges. In the other Marvel superhero movies, the characters did not face many challenges. Which was unrealistic because if you suddenly had new abilities, it would be hard to control them. But, there were no challenges shown in the movies. A good amount of The Amazing Spiderman is Peter trying to control his abilities; this was very enjoyable.

The only thing I did not like about the film was the length. It took too long for Peter to defeat the villain. He was still learning to control his new abilities, but he took too much time to defeat the villain. I think this movie could have been shortened by at least 30-45 minutes. If the film had been shortened, it would have kept my attention.

I really enjoyed this movie and hope you watch it!! Talk to you next week! :)
Image courtesy of Collider 

Monday, March 31, 2014


Divergent came out on March 21st, and I saw it two days later. It was much better than I had expected. It had a very creative plot line and great characters!! I am giving this movie a rating of 1 out of 10 because there was nothing I didn't like.

I really enjoyed the plot line of the film; I thought it was extremely creative. The movie is about a futuristic society with 5 different "sections". These "sections" are basically jobs that people choose to do for the rest of their lives. Each person has to choose one of these to work and live in. A mandatory test tells you which "section" to choose. These tests keep order in society. The test is a liquid sot into your body that produces hallucinations. Almost everyone in the society can not tell that hallucinations are fake. There are certain people in the society called Divergents. These people can tell the hallucinations are fake, so it may be hard for them to choose a "section" in society. Divergents are killed because they affect the "order" in the society. The main character of the movie, Tris, is divergent. Throughout the movie she keeps this a secret and pretends she is not Divergent. This movie was very unpredictable and fascinating. My eyes were glued to the screen the whole way through.

The character development was another aspect of the movie that I enjoyed. Each character was relatable, in one way or another, and very unique. I enjoyed watching the struggles Tris had; it made her more realistic. Although she has a special ability, she still has troubles fitting in. Which is a quality that every person can relate to. Tris's male "friend", Four, is also a very relatable character because he has to run away from his past. This is also a quality that people can relate to.

 This movie was somewhat challenging to review because of all the different opinions so hopefully you still enjoyed it. I really enjoyed this movie, so I highly recommend that you watch it. Talk to you soon :)
Image courtesy of Forbes

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Book Thief

WARNING: This review reveals some of the book so read with caution!!

This week was the last week of my third grading period. After I finished a very challenging vocabulary test,  I decided to watch The Book Thief. This movie was much better than I expected. I heard from a few friends that this movie did not include parts in the book. The film left out certain elements of the book, but it was still a good movie.

I'm giving this movie a rating of 3 out of 10 because they left out important parts of the book. The first thing that wasn't in the film was the book that Max wrote Liesel. This was such an important part in the story because it helped bond the two characters. In the novel, The Book Thief, Max wrote Liesel a story over the pages of Mein Kampf. In the film Max did paint over the pages of Mein Kampf. But, there was never a story book shown in the movie. I disliked that Max's book wasn't in the movie because his book was one of my favorite parts. I loved this moment between the two characters. It was so sweet and showed that a young German girl and a Jewish man could become friends. The second thing that I didn't really like about the movie was the scene when Liesel finds her family dead. In the book she said heartfelt things to her father, mother, and good friend Rudy. In the film she went up to Rudy and asked him to wake up and kiss her. But, she expressed little emotion to her mother and father. It was a sweet moment, but I was hoping that Liesel would have had a stronger reaction to their death.

One thing I did really like about this movie was the scenery. The sets were beautifully designed. The sets also accurately resembled how the streets of Germany, during World War Two, would have looked. The movie wasn't just filmed on sets; it was actually filmed in Germany. I went to IMDb and saw that The Book Thief was filmed in multiple different places in Germany.
Image courtesy of IMP Awards
This movie captured most elements of the book very well. It was a great movie so I recommend that you watch the film! Talk to you guys next week. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

White House Down

While my parents were away this week the people my sister and I stayed with chose the movie we watched. The movie we watched was White House Down. The film is about a man, John, who is trying to join the secret service. He is not accepted so he tries to leave the White House, but his daughter wants to take a tour. During the tour the white house is attacked by terrorists and John, alone, has to protect the President.

I enjoyed the character development in the movie. Each character was unique. One thing about the film that was different was how each character had a back story. Even the terrorists had interesting back stories. This had an odd effect on me, it made me feel like I knew each character. I know that sounds cheesy but that's how I felt. :)

This movie was very unpredictable, almost every event was unexpected, this made it much more enjoyable. Films that are predictable are boring to watch because you can tell what is going happen. But, if a movie is unpredictable then you want to sit through all of it. Since the movie started with a man trying to get into the secret service, I thought the film would be about his struggles while trying to get into the secret service. But, instead it was about a terrorist attack. With this plot line there was a lot of flexibility. The terrorists had the power to do almost anything when they were attacking.

Although some things that happened, in the movie, were not believable. The terrorists got into the security of the white house too easily. It probably would take a day or maybe two in real life. But, in the movie it only took about six or seven hours. I still really enjoyed the movie. So, I'm giving it a rating of 1.5 out of 10.

I hope you enjoyed this review. Leave a comment of any movies you would like me to do a review on. Talk to you next week! :)
Image courtesy of IMP Awards

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Avengers

After spending about three weeks watching all of the marvel superhero movies; I decided to watch The Avengers. I really enjoyed this movie. It was fascinating how all the characters came together in one movie.

My favorite part of the movie was how the characters interacted. All the characters had diverse personality's so they had trouble interacting well together. For the first half of the movie the characters simply argued back and forth. But, what they argued about was funny. There arguing brought humor to the movie. Although all they did was argue the first half of the movie; by the end they were working together to fight evil. When the characters interacted well it was much more enjoyable to watch. I preferred watching the characters work together because it showed their different strengths and abilities.

The plot line was very creative. It was interesting how Thor's brother, Loki, was the villain. In the movie before the Avengers Thor's father, Thor, and the audience thought Loki had died. So, it was a surprise to everyone when Loki appeared in the first scene of the Avengers.

I would have given this movie a rating of one out of ten but one thing about the movie was confusing. A few scenes before the end of the movie The Hulk could not control his powers and almost killed multiple people. This part did not confuse me because in The Incredible Hulk he can not control his powers. But, by the end of The Avengers the Hulk has complete control over his powers. This was confusing because they made such a big deal about how he couldn't control his powers. This was the only thing I did not like about the movie, so I am giving it a rating of two out of ten.

Image courtesy of Apple Trailers

I hope you enjoyed this movie review. Talk to you next week. :)

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Lego Movie

Image Courtesy of IMDb
During the recent break my good friend Liza invited me to see The Lego Movie. I was thrilled that she wanted to "hang out", but I was not thrilled that she wanted to see The Lego Movie. This movie seemed like it would be terrible (I have to be honest). I did not want to watch a movie about legos. The trailer wasn't horrible but it was the fact that it was an entire movie about legos that bothered me. But, since I hadn't left my room much the whole break, I thought it would be nice to feel the sunshine on my face. So, I said yes and surprisingly this movie was really good. I am giving it a rating of 3 out of 10 because it did not "wow me", but I still really enjoyed it.

There was something humorous in every scene of this movie. The movie is about an evil villain who is trying to separate all the lego realms permanently and an average construction worker who is trying to stop him. I loved how they designed the life of a lego.  It would be very challenging to think about how a lego would live. But, they accurately captured what a legos life would be. Legos simply take the "instructions" that people give them, and they stay in a certain position until people change the design.

I like the creativity of the movie. It's fascinating how the entire movie is stop motion. The different realms are lego sets that you can buy in stores; cities, western, and medieval times. The plot line was also very creative. I enjoyed it because it was so unpredictable. It was enjoyable how the hero, Emmett, was not born a hero but instead an ordinary person. This teaches kids that anyone can be a hero.

If you are looking for a great laugh this weekend check out The Lego Movie; it's still in theaters. Talk to you next week. :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Sundance Experience

Sundance is the largest independent film festival in the world. It happens annually in Park City, Utah. For the first time I went to this film festival, and for the most part it was a great experience.

I only saw two movies and both were amazing! These movies are different from anything you would see in a movie theatre, they have no action, no romance, and no cheesy humor. But, these movies do have a great plot that is very interesting. It wasn't just the movies that were great but the overall experience.

For the first movie my dad and I walked into town and talked about lots of different things. It was fun talking about what we thought the movie would be like and what we had both done that day. Once we reached Prospector Square we strolled into line and made it to the theatre. The first movie we watched was called Freedom Summer. It was about a program, Freedom Summer, during the of summer of the 1960's in Mississippi. I was exhausted during the movie and almost fell asleep at least twice but this movie was still amazing! By the end of the movie they had the director and some of the cast answering questions which would never happen in a normal movie theatre!!

The next movie I watched was The Better Angels. This film is a biography on Abraham Lincoln when he was around the age of eleven. I enjoyed this movie much more than Freedom Summer. Freedom Summer was a great movie but while watching the film I almost fell asleep, but The Better Angels kept my attention through the whole film. This movie had a very limited amount of dialogue. At first I found it very odd but soon I was intrigued by the idea behind this. I think the reason there was limited dialogue was, so the audience could think about certain scenes independently. This gave the movie a unique affect.
Image Courtesy of Sundance Film Festival

Over all Sundance was a great experience and I hope you can go one day. Have a great week and leave in the comments anything you would like me to write about. :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

My Favorite TV Show

For the past two weeks I have been writing about my favorite TV series. Check out those posts if you haven't already: My Favorite Television Shows Currently and My Favorite Television Shows Currently: Number Two. This week I am finishing the series off with my favorite television show of all time.

Number 1: Some of you may already know what it is from my "Who am I?" page on my blog. But, if you don't, my favorite TV show is Pretty Little Liars!!

Pretty Little Liars is about four girls whose best friend goes missing one summer. After she has been missing for one year, the girls receive texts from an anonymous person who goes by the name -A. At first they think it is their missing friend because her name is Allison. But, they soon realize it is not her, but someone else who is determined to make their lives miserable!

This is the best show I have ever watched; no show compares, except maybe Supernatural. If I tried to name all the things I love about Pretty Little Liars we would be here all week. So, I will write about the main things I love.

The first thing I love is the characters, especially the four main girls, Aria, Hannah, Spencer, and Emily. Each of the girls has a different, unique personality that every teenage girl to which they can relate. I personally can relate to each girl in one way or another. One thing I also love about this show is that new, mysterious characters are introduced often.

I also love the plot line!! They have the perfect amount of humor and drama (just like all the shows I watch).  The ending of each episode has a scene with what -A is planing on doing next, and I think that's very creative!! One thing they do, that no other show does, is answer all the questions from the previous episode. There are rarely unanswered questions. This show is absolutely AMAZING!!! I highly advise you watch it!!
Image courtesy of Disney Dreaming

Those are my 5 favorite TV shows. I hope you enjoyed this little series!! Also, leave a comment below if you would like me to write about my 5 favorite movies!! Talk to you guys next week! :)

Friday, January 31, 2014

My Favorite Television Shows Currently: Number Two

Last week I did a post on my 4th and 5th favorite television shows. This week I will write about my 2nd and 3rd favorite shows. Don't forget all of these shows are available on Netflix. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Number 3: 
My third favorite show is The Vampire Diaries. I started this show around Christmas time, and I am now caught up on all five seasons. This show has a great cast that takes on the role of their characters perfectly; they bring their characters to life. The Vampire Diaries also has the right amount of drama, action, and humor. My favorite thing about this series is the different relationships the characters have with one another. There is everything from romance to amazing friendships between the characters. I also love all the twists and turns of The Vampire Diaries. When you are absolutely sure you know what's going on, something completely different ends up happening. This show is amazing and if you enjoy shows such as Teen Wolf, then you will love this series.
Image courtesy of Arkansas Insanity

Number 2:
WARNING: Once you start this show there is no going back!!!! Supernatural is my 2nd favorite show. I can't explain how much I love this series; it is AMAZING!!!. Similar to most shows I watch at first, I was hesitant to start the series. Some of the episodes scared me so much that I couldn't sleep at night. But, once I got used to the content in the episodes, I fell in love with the show!! What I enjoy most about Supernatural is the relationship between the two brothers (Sam and Dean). It is so funny to watch them pick on each other, and it's so sweet when they have deep moments together! If your looking for an amazing show that's both humorous and dramatic, then check out Supernatural. But, don't forget that once you start this show it is almost impossible to stop!!
Image courtesy of ZAP 2 it

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Next week I will write about my favorite show. Again, if you have any suggestions of television shows that I should watch leave it in the comments below. Talk to you next week.

Friday, January 24, 2014

My Favorite Television shows Currently

All of my posts so far have been reviews about movies and plays. So, I thought I would write about television shows for once. I wasn't sure what to write about at first. Should I do another movie review or something else? I am currently watching so many shows that I thought I should just write about five of my favorites. All of these shows are currently available on Netflix except for number 4. My plan is to write about two shows a week, although my favorite show will be in a post alone. So, here are my 4th and 5th favorite television shows.

Number 5:
My fifth favorite show right now is Doctor Who. This show is about a supernatural being called a time lord. He can travel anywhere in space and time. There are apprentices, normal people, that help him travel through time and overcome different challenges. I have been watching this show for about a year now, and I love it! It's one of my favorite shows because of how creative the script is. This show has been going for 50 years, and they still have a new idea every single episode. I think it's amazing how long this show has been airing. The main character, the Doctor (he has no other name) regenerates every few years. This means that a new actor will take on the role of the doctor every few years, allowing this show to basically never end. I love this show and hope it airs for 50 more years!!
Image courtesy of The Crescent

Number 4:
The next show that I love, which is sadly not on Netflix, is Teen Wolf. But, it is on One of my friends turned me onto Teen Wolf in October, and I finished all 3 seasons in 4 days! So, you could say I'm a little obsessed with this show. At first I was hesitant to watch the series because it seemed so STUPID!  But, to my surprise, it is one the best shows I've ever seen!! This show is about a teenager who is turned into a werewolf. My favorite element of this series is the characters. Every character on the show is different and amazing in their own ways. There is the right amount of humor and seriousness in every character which makes one great grow. If you enjoy shows with action, humor, and drama, then you will love Teen Wolf.
Image courtesy of Hypable

Those are number 4 and 5 on my list of favorite TV shows. Next week I will write about my 2nd and 3rd favorite TV shows. Also, feel free to leave a comment below on any TV shows that I should consider. Once I finish a show, I might even do a review.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Catching Fire

I have waited a long time for Catching Fire . It finally premiered on November 22nd. I saw it opening weekend but I decided to do a review of Disney's Frozen before I reviewed this movie. Anyway, this movie was amazing, spectacular, fantastic, etc. This film definitely deserves a rating of one out of ten.

This is one of the first movies I've seen when I read the book before seeing the movie. It was a different experience, watching the movie and thinking, "that's exactly how I envisioned that scene." This film followed the book very well. From the actors portraying the characters, to the scenery in the movie, everything was spot on.

The movie's casting was phenomenal. They chose the perfect people for each part. The actors brought the characters to life; even the minor characters were portrayed very well. This really added to the movie since the acting was superb. Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal of Katniss was completely believable as if she were my neighbor. Since I am learning to act, watching people act so well on screen is a pleasure.

The movie had a great, suspenseful conclusion. It ended with Katniss discovering that the capitol obliterated district twelve, her home. Sorry if I spoiled the ending for anyone. In the ending at first after hearing this news Katniss looks very depressed. But, within seconds her face changes from depressed to extremely angry and rebellious. This gave nice foreshadowing to what the third movie may be about and how she will react to this tragedy. By looking very angry, she gives me the idea that she is going to react violently towards the capital and may try to seek revenge on the capital. The character may start a rebellion because she has the full support of the districts. This gives me hope that the people who live in these districts may have their freedom returned.

The movie was unbelievable!! If you enjoyed the first one you should definitely watch this movie!!! It was great and will give you a thrill!!!
Image Courtesy of sandiego free press