
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I'm back (for the second time)...

All of you have heard this many times before, but I'm finally back and ready to post regularly on this blog. Right as I thought my life had become normal again; it took a complete 180 on me and messed everything up. I know hardly any people read this blog at all (I actually don't know if anyone does) but this blog makes me happy so I'm going to keep posting. You can expect a post every Friday on a majority of topics depending on the mood I'm in. This Friday, December 12, will be a normal, average review. But, after that I hope to indulge in some new material not yet covered.
Below will be a picture of the up coming movie that will be reviewed:

Image Courtesy of Premiere 
Leave a comment below if you've heard of the movie; I hope most of you have! Talk to you soon!! :)

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