
Monday, March 31, 2014


Divergent came out on March 21st, and I saw it two days later. It was much better than I had expected. It had a very creative plot line and great characters!! I am giving this movie a rating of 1 out of 10 because there was nothing I didn't like.

I really enjoyed the plot line of the film; I thought it was extremely creative. The movie is about a futuristic society with 5 different "sections". These "sections" are basically jobs that people choose to do for the rest of their lives. Each person has to choose one of these to work and live in. A mandatory test tells you which "section" to choose. These tests keep order in society. The test is a liquid sot into your body that produces hallucinations. Almost everyone in the society can not tell that hallucinations are fake. There are certain people in the society called Divergents. These people can tell the hallucinations are fake, so it may be hard for them to choose a "section" in society. Divergents are killed because they affect the "order" in the society. The main character of the movie, Tris, is divergent. Throughout the movie she keeps this a secret and pretends she is not Divergent. This movie was very unpredictable and fascinating. My eyes were glued to the screen the whole way through.

The character development was another aspect of the movie that I enjoyed. Each character was relatable, in one way or another, and very unique. I enjoyed watching the struggles Tris had; it made her more realistic. Although she has a special ability, she still has troubles fitting in. Which is a quality that every person can relate to. Tris's male "friend", Four, is also a very relatable character because he has to run away from his past. This is also a quality that people can relate to.

 This movie was somewhat challenging to review because of all the different opinions so hopefully you still enjoyed it. I really enjoyed this movie, so I highly recommend that you watch it. Talk to you soon :)
Image courtesy of Forbes

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Book Thief

WARNING: This review reveals some of the book so read with caution!!

This week was the last week of my third grading period. After I finished a very challenging vocabulary test,  I decided to watch The Book Thief. This movie was much better than I expected. I heard from a few friends that this movie did not include parts in the book. The film left out certain elements of the book, but it was still a good movie.

I'm giving this movie a rating of 3 out of 10 because they left out important parts of the book. The first thing that wasn't in the film was the book that Max wrote Liesel. This was such an important part in the story because it helped bond the two characters. In the novel, The Book Thief, Max wrote Liesel a story over the pages of Mein Kampf. In the film Max did paint over the pages of Mein Kampf. But, there was never a story book shown in the movie. I disliked that Max's book wasn't in the movie because his book was one of my favorite parts. I loved this moment between the two characters. It was so sweet and showed that a young German girl and a Jewish man could become friends. The second thing that I didn't really like about the movie was the scene when Liesel finds her family dead. In the book she said heartfelt things to her father, mother, and good friend Rudy. In the film she went up to Rudy and asked him to wake up and kiss her. But, she expressed little emotion to her mother and father. It was a sweet moment, but I was hoping that Liesel would have had a stronger reaction to their death.

One thing I did really like about this movie was the scenery. The sets were beautifully designed. The sets also accurately resembled how the streets of Germany, during World War Two, would have looked. The movie wasn't just filmed on sets; it was actually filmed in Germany. I went to IMDb and saw that The Book Thief was filmed in multiple different places in Germany.
Image courtesy of IMP Awards
This movie captured most elements of the book very well. It was a great movie so I recommend that you watch the film! Talk to you guys next week. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

White House Down

While my parents were away this week the people my sister and I stayed with chose the movie we watched. The movie we watched was White House Down. The film is about a man, John, who is trying to join the secret service. He is not accepted so he tries to leave the White House, but his daughter wants to take a tour. During the tour the white house is attacked by terrorists and John, alone, has to protect the President.

I enjoyed the character development in the movie. Each character was unique. One thing about the film that was different was how each character had a back story. Even the terrorists had interesting back stories. This had an odd effect on me, it made me feel like I knew each character. I know that sounds cheesy but that's how I felt. :)

This movie was very unpredictable, almost every event was unexpected, this made it much more enjoyable. Films that are predictable are boring to watch because you can tell what is going happen. But, if a movie is unpredictable then you want to sit through all of it. Since the movie started with a man trying to get into the secret service, I thought the film would be about his struggles while trying to get into the secret service. But, instead it was about a terrorist attack. With this plot line there was a lot of flexibility. The terrorists had the power to do almost anything when they were attacking.

Although some things that happened, in the movie, were not believable. The terrorists got into the security of the white house too easily. It probably would take a day or maybe two in real life. But, in the movie it only took about six or seven hours. I still really enjoyed the movie. So, I'm giving it a rating of 1.5 out of 10.

I hope you enjoyed this review. Leave a comment of any movies you would like me to do a review on. Talk to you next week! :)
Image courtesy of IMP Awards

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Avengers

After spending about three weeks watching all of the marvel superhero movies; I decided to watch The Avengers. I really enjoyed this movie. It was fascinating how all the characters came together in one movie.

My favorite part of the movie was how the characters interacted. All the characters had diverse personality's so they had trouble interacting well together. For the first half of the movie the characters simply argued back and forth. But, what they argued about was funny. There arguing brought humor to the movie. Although all they did was argue the first half of the movie; by the end they were working together to fight evil. When the characters interacted well it was much more enjoyable to watch. I preferred watching the characters work together because it showed their different strengths and abilities.

The plot line was very creative. It was interesting how Thor's brother, Loki, was the villain. In the movie before the Avengers Thor's father, Thor, and the audience thought Loki had died. So, it was a surprise to everyone when Loki appeared in the first scene of the Avengers.

I would have given this movie a rating of one out of ten but one thing about the movie was confusing. A few scenes before the end of the movie The Hulk could not control his powers and almost killed multiple people. This part did not confuse me because in The Incredible Hulk he can not control his powers. But, by the end of The Avengers the Hulk has complete control over his powers. This was confusing because they made such a big deal about how he couldn't control his powers. This was the only thing I did not like about the movie, so I am giving it a rating of two out of ten.

Image courtesy of Apple Trailers

I hope you enjoyed this movie review. Talk to you next week. :)