
Friday, October 25, 2013

What's the magic word?

Do you believe in magic? This week I watched Now You See Me. This movie surprised me. I really liked the movie even though it was completely different from I what I thought it would be. One thing I enjoyed was the plot. The plot had a solid introduction, middle, and conclusion.

The introduction was probably one of my favorite parts of the entire movie. It began with a quote that made me think (I love quotes like that). "The more you look, the less you see. The closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see."  The tone of the movie was set. It implied to me that these magicians are going to be extremely tricky.

The middle of the movie was very interesting.  It was entertaining to watch the incompetent law enforcement officials. Wow, I guess they could have used the help of the N.S.A. The law officials made the mistake once of thinking that they were ahead of the magicians. However, the magicians were one step ahead of the law officials. This made the movie very humorous and interesting.

The movie begins through the eyes of an anonymous person.  This individual observes the magicians as they perform various acts.  One assumes that this person is responsible for bringing the  magicians together. When it was revealed at the end, it was not at all who I had thought it was going to be. I should have listened to the quote at the beginning of the movie because I was sure I knew who this person was, but it turns out I was completely wrong.

Character Development in this movie was very interesting. I'm not sure if I liked or didn't like it. At the start of the movie the characters magic skills were introduced, but their personalities were not developed. I was disapointed. I would have liked to have seen more background on the characters and more dialogue between the characters. There was some character development based on the characters' acts, but it was not enough for me. Someone, who I was talking to about the movie, made a valid point about the characters. Her point was that the writer may not have developed personalities because the movie is about magic. So, maybe the writer was trying to keep the characters mysterious. I do agree with this, but there still could have been a bit more personality in the characters. In conclusion, I think the characters are interesting and make the movie more mysterious. But, I would have enjoyed more character development.

 This movie deserves a 4.5 rating because everything was spot on except for the characters. I recommend this movie if you love to think and if you love big surprise endings!
Image courtesy of Collider

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